Tuesday, December 15, 2009

good deeds

the world needs more compassionate people. i am sticking to my claim that there is no such thing as ''selfless'' good deeds, that doesnt mean that there are no good deeds. i just think that they are all done for a reason that has to do with us. even when you look at the definition of compassion, we do it because of a DESIRE to relieve someone of their suffering. it is our desire that compels us to do it. i dont think that everyone is born with this compassionate outlook on the world. some people get that desire to help others in need while some dont. Paul Farmer is one of those people who feel compassionate towards others. he sees the situation in haiti and he wants to help them, he feels a need to help them. we need more people like that in this world, more people who have a desire to help others in need and alleviate their suffering. we dont need more selfless good deeds in this world. we just need more good deeds.

oops here it is



this is the link to Dr. Paul Farmers website where you can read all about what he wants to accomplish in Haiti. check it out.

why be compassionate??

the question i ask myself now is why be compassionate. why DO we feel the need or desire to help other people when they are in need? 'people are selfish and are motivated by their own self interests.' that is a quote by Forrest C. Greenslade in his book about how to motivate people. but if we are motivated by our own self interests, is it in our own interest to help someone who is in need because we notice it? i am having trouble seeing how this two issues work. maybe there is no such thing as compassion, maybe we have a word for it but in actuality it is never really practiced? but when i say that there are so many things that come mind, examples that prove the exact opposite of what i have just said. a very recent example that i can think of is that of Dr. Paul Farmer. He is a doctor who works in Haiti to provide health care for the sick and poor. he doesnt do it for the tax break or the press coverage, he does it because he believes it is the right thing to do. you can read all about it in his book ''Mountains Beyond Mountains.''

star wars

i dont mean to sound like a total nerd but while thinking of compassion the scene from star wars where darth vader helps luke while he is being electrocuted by the emperor came to mind


i believe that compassion is one of the greatest contributors to good deeds in this world. If you look in the dictionary this is what you will find if you look up compassion, Merriam-Websters dictionary defines compassion as ''sympathetic consciousness of others' distress together with a desire to alleviate it.'' so basically it is feeling sorry for someone and because of that feeling you decide to help them. the biblical definition of compassion is to relieve someone from their suffering. i thought it was interesting that compassion does not only mean that you notice that someone is suffering but that it is coupled with a desire to relieve them from it.

Thursday, December 10, 2009


whats up guys i only have 4 followers???

why do good??

why do good? what is our incentive? if i see an old woman crossing the street with a heavy bag why should i help her?? is she going to give me money? no probably not? so why do it? i think the reason we do it is for the good feeling we get after we have helped someone who is in need. that is primary reason that charities can exist, because people want a good feeling when they donate money to people or a cause that needs help. so that makes me wonder... is it selfless then? i dont think so. i think that we always do good because of selfish reasons. if we dont for recognition or fame or a favor in return or money or even that good warm feeling that we get when we do a ''selfless'' good deed. in the end we always do it for ourselves.

good in the world

for the past couple of days i have been on the lookout for someone to do a selfless good deed. and as i expected i did not find one. this doesnt mean i am not disappointed, cause i am but in reality i did not expect to find one. i am not saying that i did not see any good deeds but i did not see any that i thought were selfless. i dont think that the phenomenon of people doing selfless good deeds in this world exists.